Squat (Gluteals, quads, & hamstrings)
Squat flexed position
Push-up knees flexed (chest, deltoids, & triceps)
Push-up flexed position
Leg extension (quadriceps)
Leg extension flexed position
Seated row ( upper back )
Seated row flexed position
Hip flexor (iliopsoas group)
Hip flexor flexed position
Overhead press (deltoid, triceps, trapezius)
Overhead press flexed position
Leg curl (hamstrings)
Leg curl flexed position
Upright row flexed position
Upright row (trapezius, biceps, & deltoids)
Abduction (gluteals, TFL)
Abduction flexed position
Abduction (abductors & hamstrings)
Abduction flexed position
Tricep extension (triceps)
Tricep extension flexed position
Calf-raiser flexed position
Calf-raiser (post, lower leg group)
Bicep curl
Bicep curl flexed position
Abdominal crunch (rectus abdominus) right
Abdominal crunch (ext.oliques left, int. right)
Abdominal crunch (iso w/rectus abdominus)
Abdominal crunch (iso w/rectus abdominus obliques)
Reminders: perform each repetition in a slow and controlled manner. Perform each exercise through a full range of motion. Breathe out the mouth during the flexed phase. Breathe in through the nose during the beginnig and extension phase. Warm-up and perform the areobic portion of the workout beforehand. Cool-down after these exercises.
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